Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scallops with Spinach & Sweet Potato Hash with Chipotle Drizzle


1 large or 3 regular size Sweet Potatoes, shredded and squeezed dry in a clean kitchen towel
2 shallots, diced
2 jalapenos, diced
3 eggs, beaten
1 package frozen spinach, defrosted
1 lb. Sea Scallops, patted dry
2 Cups plain Greek yogurt
1 Tablespoon chipotle powder
1/2 lime


1. To prepare the Chipotle Drizzle; mix the 2 cups of the Greek yogurt, add in the chipotle and a nice squeeze of lime. Mix and set aside.

2. Meanwhile, either saute or micro the spinach until nice and warm. Keep it warm until you’re ready to serve.

3. Dice the shallots and jalapeno, leave the seeds if you like more heat. Saute in a olive oil over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Add the shredded and dried sweet potato to the shallots and jalapeno.To get a nice crisp char on the potato, make sure it’s getting as much contact with the hot pan as possible. Saute and flip the potatoes for about 10 minutes or so.

4. Sprinkle the dried scallops with salt and pepper then add to a medium hot saute pan with a little olive oil. Cook for about 3-4 minutes a side.

5. To assemble: make a bed of the sweet potato on your plate. Then top that with a big helping of wilted spinach, top with scallops and drizzle with the chipotle/lime mixture.

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